Providing advice on applicable state aid schemes

EFTA SERVICES has experience in advising on applicable state aid schemes. We provide advice to public sector entities on services of general economic interest, advice on block exemption from state aid, application of state aid rules in specific sectors, as well as advice on horizontal, vertical and regional state aid.

Some of the projects we have implemented in this area are:

Update of the Rules for Management of the Funds of the National Innovation Fund, 2015 (RMFNIF), according to the findings, conclusions and recommendations from the Preliminary Audit Report of the Internal Audit Directorate.

Client: Executive Agency for Promotion of Small and Medium Enterprises (BSMEPA)

Providing expert assistance in the analysis of the organizational structure, including relations with managers and infrastructure operators of Sofia Tech Park AD, review of the management and control system and preparation of proposals for internal rules for compliance with the requirements and conditions of the applicable regimes for providing compatible state aid in the implementation of projects financed under Operational Programme “Innovation and Competitiveness 2014-2020“

Client: BIM Consulting Ltd.