Implementation of advertising, information and communication activities and campaigns

We EFTA SERVICES have serious experience in the implementation of information and communication activities and campaigns as well as in the creation and presentation of information products. In our work we have always highly appreciated the creative and innovative approach in presenting projects and promoting products, incl. cultural-historical and tourist products, routes and sites. We have successful experience in preparation of marketing strategies, creating brochures, catalogues, promotional films, websites, mobile applications, as well as in activities related to publicity and organizing events on projects of our clients. We also have experience in organizing and presenting the results of research, studies, analyses as well as in organizing focus groups, round tables, various meetings and other presentation activities.

Some of the projects we have implemented in this area are:

“Development and promotion of a joint cultural-historical tourist product: Route“ Roman border on the territory of the cross-border region Romania - Bulgaria ”, with registration number” in accordance with a signed grant agreement under the Interreg VA Romania - Bulgaria Programme 2014-2020

Client: Association of Danube Municipalities “Danube”.

“Development of methodology and research“ under the project “Promotion and development of natural and cultural heritage of the Bulgarian-Greek cross-border region through intelligent and electronic tools“ , with the acronym “eTOURIST“ under the Cooperation Programme INTERREG V-A “Greece - Bulgaria 2014-2020“, ref. № 1714, Grant Agreement № B2.6s.07 / 09.10.2017.

Client: Regional Association of Municipalities “Maritsa”

Preparation, organization and conducting of 2 press conferences and preparation, organization and conducting of 1 national round table within the project “Complex of measures for establishing unfair trade practices 811238 - CONC-CPC-2017 Bulgaria“, funded by the Programme of the European Consumer Union 2014-2020

Client: Commission for Consumer Protection (CCP).

“Development of a Roadmap for civic participation” in the project “Raising public awareness and promoting civic participation in the processes of formulation, implementation and monitoring of the Maritime Strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria” financed under contract № BG05SFOP001-2.009-0067-C01 Operational Programme Good Governance.

Client: Clean Black Sea Association.