Development of strategic documents, programmes and plans

EFTA SERVICES has solid experience in developing various types of strategic documents, in accordance with the needs and expectations of our clients. We develop strategies, plans and programmes for development in various sectors and structures at central, regional and local levels. Preparation of marketing strategies for product realization. We propose the development of comprehensive strategic documents, supporting the definition of priorities, objectives, tasks, tools and indicators for goals and implementation. We prepare detailed time and financial plans for implementation with specific sources of funding. In our work we use a professional approach as the strategic documents we develop are fully consistent with the applicable strategic framework at national and European level, as well as with applicable policies and priorities.

Some of the projects we have implemented in this area are:

Development of a district strategy for support for personal development of children and students based on an analysis of the needs for support in each municipality on the territory of Pernik district 2020-2022

Client: District Administration – Pernik

“Development of a Roadmap for civic participation” in the project “Raising public awareness and promoting civic participation in the processes of formulation, implementation and monitoring of the Maritime Strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria” financed under contract № BG05SFOP001-2.009-0067-C01 Operational Programme Good Governance.

Client: Clean Black Sea Association

“Development of methodology and research“ under the project “Promotion and development of natural and cultural heritage of the Bulgarian-Greek cross-border region through intelligent and electronic tools“ , with the acronym “eTOURIST“ under the Cooperation Programme INTERREG V-A “Greece - Bulgaria 2014-2020“ , ref. № 1714, Grant Agreement № B2.6s.07 / 09.10.2017.

Client: Regional Association of Municipalities “Maritsa”