Project and legal consulting

EFTA SERVICES has extensive experience in project and legal consulting. We provide consultations related to the award and implementation of public procurement under the Public Procurement Act (PPA), incl. preparation of documentation and technical specifications in accordance with applicable legislation. We provide support in awarding public contracts to our clients. We prepare objections to imposed financial corrections, opinions on inspection reports, audits and other services tailored to the specific needs of our clients. We prepare guidelines for application, including methodologies and evaluation criteria, etc. We prepare project proposals and application forms. We provide consulting services related to the preparation, management and implementation of projects and programs related to the entire project cycle.

Some of the projects we have implemented in this area are:

Preparation of a project proposal and application form for funding under the EEA FM and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014, Ministry of Health, Program BG07 “Public Health Initiative.“ Measures to improve the management of the health sector and access to quality health services, Measure 5: Improving access to and quality of children with mental, genetic and oncohematological diseases.

Client: Home for medical and social care for children “St. Ivan Rilski”

Preparation of a project proposal for Municipality of Kozloduy under the INTERREG V-A Romania - Bulgaria Program 2014-2020, incl. cost-benefit analysis.

Client: Municipality of Kozloduy

Preparation of documentation for public procurement, as well as all accompanying documents for lawful award of contracts in accordance with the Public Procurement Act and the project “In support of the activity of a day centre at HMSCC “St. Ivan Rilski“ by expanding and improving the specialized therapeutic work for children from 0 to 7 years“, funded by the EEA FM and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014, MH, Program BG07 “Public Health Initiative“.

Client: Home for medical and social care for children “St. Ivan Rilski”

Project proposal of the ASSIGNOR to apply for a grant under the National Innovation Fund RMFNIF 2016 - 8th session until 31.10.2016 with a funding institution - Executive Agency for Promotion of Small and Medium Enterprises under the Minister of Economy (BSMEPA).

Client: Executive Agency for Promotion of Small and Medium Enterprises (BSMEPA)